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Let us walk you through some of our SUCCESS stories, with one of the brands achieving fantastic results in just 3 years:

✅ 100,000 new social media followers
✅  60 million organic social media impressions
✅  250 million impressions with Influencer Marketing
✅ Going VIRAL on social with a video reaching +25M views

Journey dates back to 2020 when the goal was to launch and manage social media account for RYOBI Canada.


Brand first started off with posting pictures of products using the same assets that were on the website:

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From stock photos to 95% video reel content with product demonstration, brand storytelling, user generated content and influencer content. 

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Consistency, quality video content and  influencer partnerships has given such results.

Besides great results and content creation, we are proud of our UNIQUE CAMPAIGNS that helped build brand identity.

#1 DAD 🏆
Nominate your father for RYOBI reps across the country to cut your parents lawn and give a personal thank you. 

It was a unique way of promoting their newest lawnmowers, while building brand personality and values through storytelling.

On International Women's Day with the help of DIY influencers.

Building emotional connection and forging a deeper bond with the audience resulted in an increase of female users for the brand.


With the success of social media management and brand campaign creation, Patryk also took care of website management, content creation and video editing.

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